As far as implications go for our society I'm at a loss, as always there are people fervently on both sides of the fence and both have more than plausible arguments. The beauty is that you can essentially carry an entire library in less space than a traditionally paperback. You could load it up with all the materials you need for a research paper/project and instead of begin trapped in some gloomy library alone you could be in some funky coffee shop that inspires your creative spirit. On the other hand there is definitely something to be said for some good old fashion tree pulp and liquid soot.
To take a step on the realistic side of things, this item will for sure be making waves in the way we view and collect our information. With out a doubt it will take off in the field of newspapers and magazines. The idea of begin able to "go green" and paper free is going to be far too good of an excuse to get a new pretty toy. Just think of all the trendy business types that can now carry three papers around on their commute into work save pertinent articles and send them to whom every they please; and all without ever getting the gross newspaper "dirt" on their finger tips. I imagine that soon enough the days of copying newspapers on to silly putty will be stories of our youth much like walking up hill both ways to school in the snow with no jacket is today. In terms of books I think the mainstream use is going to be a much longer and almost arduous transition. I think there are going to be pockets where this new tool is going to flourish and blossom but that will only be in unison with parts of society that opt not for the new technology. I recently listened to a modern author reflect on the use of digital books and how a reader changes the way they read off a screen. How there is less reflection and thought. Also that typically that all the new digital texts are a fast paced stories the go, go, go with little pause for the beauty of the written word of vast ability to diversify language.
Using an item like this in schools could be an amazing resource that give students to move more freely through reading material along with at their own pace. Students at all levels will be given the flexibility to read think seemingly endless texts while they are on the go or waiting in line. The possibilities are truly endless for a resource like the iPad, at present I see myself as curious observer watching closely to see where this will take our society and school s technologically. Change is coming but how intense and wide spread I am unsure as of yet.