Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A summary of my reactions? Crash Course

Well, well, the "crash course" was very interesting and definitely an eye opener. I felt that the movie made me want to go spend money because its value is decreasing along with save more so I will have a good base to live and grow from if there is some sort of collapse or extraordinary weakening of the economy. I felt overwhelmed and under whelmed at points, I learned more than I could have imagined.

When it comes to how I think this could affect my career in education I first look to what is going on now. As of right now i feel that students know too much about what is going on at a home and that their lives are far more scheduled than mine was. I fear that as the next twenty years begins to progress students will know more and more about the strains that are reaching their family both socially and financially. I think a larger portion of our students will be faced with issues that are far beyond their years and will need addition school and education on how to manage with this new "drama". Students are going to need practical knowledge about the world they live in. Thus when teaching relating what happened in the past to what is happening presently will be incredibly helpful. Making the content obtainable and reachable will be key to preparing tomorrow's generation for the very unsure future that is ahead of us.

Beyond that I think the school will become an even more grounding and centering place for a larger portion of the students. School will be a stabling force for a child who many only see their parents a few short rushed hours a day. I grew up in a generation where more and more families were two income to keep up with the raising costs of living, and I think as I start to teach that the students I encounter will be the generation where more and more students will be living with in a family where one if not both of their parents will have two jobs.

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