Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Well done PBS

Watching the last part of the movie in class was interesting. Having the chance to listen to everyone else's opinions and ideas about the content made for some great discussion. In general I don't think enough classrooms have open share discussions like the ones we have on a regular enough basis. I think if classes were to have more open discussions based on the topics that are currently begin taught it would create a classroom with more interest and even potentially more respect.It may even help break down some of the walls people put up around themselves and others, with less walls students may start to see the similarities in one another instead of the differences. With that the hope would be that everyone would be more informed and bullying would happen less because there is an understood level of respect for one another. Additionally the teachers in classrooms that have more open discussion will have a better idea of where their students are coming from what they are interested in maybe even where their academic interests lay. Being informed beyond the student's names and where they sit it the classroom are an important part of an educators job, a part that we as teachers have less time to focus because of outside constraints. Though this last bit may have seamed dramatically off topic it is where my mind wandered to after the conclusion of the PBS special we watched.

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